Monday, July 14, 2008

Customer Service Story

I would like to take a moment to share with you a customer service story about one of our own here at CRES. Our customer Debbie thought it was a positive experience worthy of a blog post!

The snippet from the Chico Home Blog:

Emotions of real estate
By Debbie Brodie

I was reminded of an important life law this past week: “It is rarely about you.”

I had a week where all the forces of my universe collided, making things feel off balance. I could make you a list, but this article is “not about me.” I will tell you the part that impressed me.

I am coming up on the fifth anniversary of my business, and I was buried with reports and applications for renewals, along with my regular work.

One company e-mailed me an 11-page attachment to print out, fill in and return. The document was full color, with lots of dark ink. Pages 8 and 9 were two full pages of ink — a sales flyer for another product.

This tipped me over. I called the company and complained about the sales piece and all the ink, and why wouldn’t they create an e-mail without all the heavy graphics? I wasn’t mean, but I wouldn’t have been surprised if she called me something rhyming with witch when she hung up the phone.

Yet, the company representative was extremely polite, customer-service focused, and treated me with total respect. She did not get defensive, or give excuses. She was the rare individual that realized “it wasn’t about her.” In this case, it was about me and my week.

She happily mailed out the information with snail mail, using a full cartridge of their ink! She followed up, and stayed the total professional. I was so impressed, I called her and thanked her for her great people skills, and apologized for being grumpy. I then put it in writing, and hope she gets a promotion.

To further read this post, please go to: Emotions of real estate

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